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Federation of British Hand Tool Manufacturers
Tel: 020 7298 6400
Email: info@britishtools.co.uk
Address: c/o The Manufacturing Technologies Association, 62 Bayswater Road, London, West Yorkshire, W2 3PS
Website: www.britishtools.co.uk
Description: This is the web page for the quality British manufacturers of hand tools. It promotes events, and association is a sign of quality amongst members.
Home Builders Federation
Tel: 020 7960 1600
Email: info@hbf.co.uk
Address: 1st Floor, Byron House, 7-9 St James's Street, London, Greater London, SW1A 1DW
Website: www.hbf.co.uk
Description: Members of the Home Builders Federation account for 80% of all new homes built in England and Wales. Get the latest news.
Hot Water Association
Tel: 01274 58 33 55
Email: info@modus-uk.org
Address: 17 Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley, BD18 3LQ
Website: www.hotwater.org.uk
Description: The association is recognised as the leading body in domestic hot water storage and, through cooperation and partnerships, to support, drive and promote the sustained growth and improvement of standards within the entire domestic hot water industry.
Institute of Historic Building Conservation
Tel: 01747 873133
Email: admin@ihbc.org.uk
Address: Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 6HA
Website: www.ihbc.org.uk
Description: The Institute of Historic Building Conservation gives you the latest news, access to publications and a jobs page.
National Housing Federation
Tel: 020 7067 1010
Email: info@housing.org.uk
Address: Lion Court, 25 Procter Street, London, Greater London, WC1V 6NY
Website: www.housing.org.uk
Description: We represent the work of housing associations and campaign for better housing. The Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England.
The British Home Enhancement Trade Association
Tel: 0121 237 1130
Email: info@bheta.co.uk
Address: Federation House, 10 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6LT
Website: www.bheta.co.uk
Description: The British Home Enhancement Trade Association represents the views, interests, products and services of the majority of suppliers in the DIY, Housewares and home improvement markets in the UK.
The Historic Houses Association
Tel: 020 7259 5688
Email: info@hha.org.uk
Address: 2 Chester Street, London, Greater London, SW1X 7BB
Website: www.hha.org.uk
Description: The Historic Houses Assocation has over 1500 buildings across the UK in its directory. The upkeep and maintenance of these buildings costs over £80 million per year. The HHA through its membership supports the preservation of these buildings.