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Association for Consultancy and Engineering
Tel: 020 7222 6557
Email: consult@acenet.co.uk
Address: Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street, London, Greater London, SW1H OQL
Website: www.acenet.co.uk
Description: ACE is a business association representing and supporting consultancy and engineering firms across the UK.
Association for the Conservation of Energy
Tel: 0207 359 8000
Address: Westgate House, 2a Prebend Street, London, N1 8PT
Website: ukace.org
Description: Membership of ACE is limited to twenty-four UK based companies which have substantial interest in energy conservation equipment and services. Current members include controls manufacturers, energy service companies and manufacturers and distributors of insulation materials.
Association of Concrete Industrial Flooring Contractors
Tel: 0844 249 9176
Email: info@acifc.org
Address: 6-8 Bonhill Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4BX
Website: www.acifc.org
Description: ACIFC is the representative organisation for the concrete industrial flooring industry. Bringing together the leading contractors, material suppliers and service providers, ACIFC’s objective is to raise standards in floor technology.
British Cables Association
Website: www.BCAUK.org
Description: The British Cables Association website is a technical website, but the aims of the association are simple - to promote the British cable industry in Europe and worldwide.
British Ceramic Confederation
Tel: 01782 744631
Email: bcc@ceramfed.co.uk
Address: Federation House, Station Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST4 2SA
Website: www.ceramfed.co.uk
Description: The British Ceramic Confederation advises on health and safety, chemicals compliance, emmissions reduction and other important factors in the ceramic industry.
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd
Tel: 020 7839 8566
Email: postroom@bcsa.org.uk
Address: 4 Whitehall Court, Westminster, London, Greater London, SW1A 2ES
Website: www.steelconstruction.org
Description: The British Constructional and Steelwork Association is a national company with members who make up the steel construction sector. The aim of the organisation is to promote the industry and ensure quality, health and safety and new business.
British Contract Furnishing Association
Tel: 01494 896 790
Email: enquires@bcfa.org.uk
Address: Project House , 25 West Wycombe Road, high Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2LQ
Website: www.thebcfa.com
Description: The British Contract Furnishing and Design Association has an industry recruitment page, the latest news from the design industry and a useful product accreditation scheme.
Carpet Foundation
Tel: 01562 747351
Email: bcma@clara.net
Address: MFC Complex, 60 New Road, Kidderminster, Kidderminster, DY10 1AQ
Website: www.comebacktocarpet.com
Description: Membership of this association will give a supplier accredited status and the right to display a special logo, which is the sign of assurance of quality.
Catering Equipment Suppliers Association
Tel: 020 7793 3030
Email: enquiries@cesa.org.uk
Address: Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, London, Greater London, SE1 7SL
Website: www.cesa.org.uk/
Description: The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association represents over 120 companies and guaruntees you a high standard of service.
Cement Admixtures Association
Tel: 01564 776362
Email: info@admixtures.org.uk
Address: 38a Tilehouse Green Lane, Knowle, B93 9EY
Website: www.admixtures.org.uk
Description: Admixtures are added to concrete, grout or mortar to achieve the right consistency. This association represents 85% of admixture manufacture.
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
Tel: 020 7278 2206
Email: info@ciat.org.uk
Address: 397 City Road, London, Greater London, EC1V 1NH
Website: www.ciat.org.uk
Description: The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists represents 8,000 professionals, and this website will also help you to find a job or find a specialist.
Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
Tel: 01708 472791
Email: info@ciphe.org.uk
Address: 64 Station Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 6NB
Website: www.plumbers.org.uk
Description: the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) is the professional body for the UK plumbing and heating industry. Membership is made up of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds such as consultants, specifiers, designers, public health engineers, lecturers, trainers, trainees and practitioners.
Chartered Society of Designers
Tel: 0207 357 8088
Email: info@csd.org.uk
Address: 1 Cedar Court, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3GA
Website: www.csd.org.uk
Description: The world's largest chartered body of professional designers with members in 33 countries and is unique in representing designers in all disciplines.
Civil Engineering Contractors Association
Tel: 0207 340 0450
Email: lauraellis@ceca.co.uk
Address: 1 Birdcage Walk, London, Greater London, SW1H 9JJ
Website: www.ceca.co.uk
Description: The CECA is the representative body for civil engineering contractors and provides access to publications and advertises upcoming meetings and events.
Clay Pipe Development Association
Tel: 01494 791456
Email: cpda@aol.com
Address: 53 Broad Street, Chesham, HP5 3EA
Website: www.cpda.co.uk
Clay Roof Tile Council
Tel: 01782 744631
Email: andrewm@ceramfed.co.uk
Address: Federation House, Station Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2SA
Website: www.clayroof.co.uk
Description: The CRTC was established in 1981 to provide expertise in the area of clay roof tiles and promote their use in the UK.
Concrete Pipeline & Systems Association
Tel: 0116 253 6161
Email: mail@concretepipes.co.uk
Address: 60 Charles Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 1FB
Website: www.concretepipes.co.uk
Description: Thie website aims to give the client full and informed essential knowledge about concret pipeline systems and to promote their use. It also give access to a newsletter and other literature.
Concrete Repair Association
Tel: 01420 471615
Email: admin@cra.org.uk
Address: Kingsley House, Ganders Business Park, Kingsley, Bordon, Surrey, GU35 9LU
Website: www.concreterepair.org.uk
Description: Enhance your company by gaining accredted status with the Concrete Repair Association, or use this website as your source of vital information.
Concrete Society
Tel: 01276 607140
Email: enquiries@concrete.org.uk
Address: Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park, Station Approach, Surrey, GU17 9AB
Website: www.concrete.org.uk
Description: The Concret Society website offers an online directory, networking opportunities, access to archive material publications and a bookshop.
Confederation of Aerial Industries
Tel: 01923 803030
Email: office@cai.org.uk
Address: Communications House, 41a Market Street, Watford, WD18 0PN
Website: www.cai.org.uk
Description: The recognised body for the aerial and satellite industry. One of our requirements is that any installing member company will agree to the examination and test of any equipment manufactured or supplied, the inspection of any installation or investigation into conduct which could have a detrimental effect on the reputation of the CAI or its Members.
Confederation of Roofing Contractors
Tel: 01206 306600
Email: enquiries@corc.co.uk
Address: Association House, 22d Victoria Place, Brightlingsea, Colchester, Essex, CO7 0BX
Website: www.corc.co.uk
Description: If you require a roof repair or even a completely new roof our members are there for you,
Construction Employers Federation
Tel: 028 9087 7143
Email: mail@cefni.co.uk
Address: 143 Malone Road, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT9 6SU
Website: www.cefni.co.uk
Description: The CEN has advice on issues affecting employers, such as holiday pay and pensions, and also has apprenticeships, and a building guaruntee scheme, which offers customers in Britain and Northern Ireland a list of registered builders.
Construction Equipment Association
Tel: 020 8253 4502
Email: cea@admin.co.uk
Address: Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ
Website: www.coneq.org.uk
Description: The CEA website has a company and product locator, links to exhibitions and market information, plus international links, and the latest news and information.
Construction Fixings Association
Tel: 01664 823687
Email: info@fixingscfa.co.uk
Address: 65 Deans Street, Oakham, LE15 6AF
Website: www.fixingscfa.co.uk
Description: Comprises the major manufacturers of construction fixings with a significant UK presence.
Construction Industry Council
Tel: 020 7399 7400
Email: info@cic.org.uk
Address: 26 Store Street, London, Greater London, WC1E 7BT
Website: www.cic.org.uk
Description: The CIC is the representative of all sectors of the built environment, including at professional, managerial and technical level.
Construction Industry Research & Information Association
Tel: 020 7549 3300
Email: enquiries@ciria.org
Address: Classic House, 174 - 180 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BP
Website: www.ciria.org
Description: CIRIA is a centre of excellence for the construction industry, encouraging and promoting best practice. See the website for events and downloads, plus training opportunities and research.
Construction Plant-hire Association
Tel: 020 7796 3366
Email: enquiries@cpa.uk.net
Address: 27/28 Newbury Street, Barbican, London, Greater London, EC1A 7HU
Website: www.cpa.uk.net
Description: Established for over 60 years the Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) is the leading trade association for the UK industry and now has approximately 1,500 members.
Construction Products Association
Tel: 020 7323 3770
Email: enquries@constprod.org.uk
Address: 26 Store Street, London, Greater London, WC1E 7BT
Website: www.constructionproducts.org.uk
Description: The Construction Products Association represents the manufacturers and suppliers of construction components and fittings and provides the latest news for all those requiring a broad base of knowledge in the industry.
Contract Flooring Association Ltd
Tel: 0115 941 1126
Email: info@cfa.org.uk
Address: 4C St Mary's Place, The Lace Market, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 1PH
Website: www.cfa.org.uk
Description: The Contract Flooring Association has as its aim to promote the 'highest standards of professionalism, safety and training' and also provides information and services.
Copper Development Association
Tel: 01442 275705
Email: mail@copperdev.co.uk
Address: 5 Grovelands Business Centre, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead , HP2 7TE
Website: www.copperinfo.co.uk
Description: Copper Development Association offers free information and educational materials on all applications of copper, promotes its use and provides answers to technical enquiries.
National Association of Chimney Engineers
Tel: 01526 322555
Email: info@nace.org.uk
Address: PO Box 849, Metheringham, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN4 3WU
Website: www.nace.me.uk
Description: National Association of Chinmney Engineers will correctly diagnose and treat your chimney problems. Become a member or find a practitioner here.
National Association of Chimney Sweeps
Tel: 01785 811732
Email: office@nacs.org.uk
Address: Units 14-15 Emerald Way, Stone Business Park, Stone, ST15 0SR
Website: www.nacs.org.uk
Description: NACS promotes high standards for the sweeping, inspection and maintenance of chimneys.
National Specialist Contractors Council
Tel: 0844 249 5351
Email: enquiries@nscc.org.uk
Address: 6-8 Bonhill Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4BX
Website: www.nscc.org.uk
Description: NSCC brings together the common aims of specialist trade organisations within the construction industry. It is the authoritative voice of Specialist Contractors in the UK.
The Carpet Foundation
Tel: 01562 755 568
Address: MCF Complex, 60 New Road, Kidderminster, DY10 1AQ
Website: www.carpetfoundation.com
Description: Provides a Code of Practice approved by the Office of Fair Trading which incorporates the highest retail selling standards and gives you absolute reassurance when purchasing a carpet from a Carpet Foundation Member.
The Concrete Block Association
Tel: 0116 2536161
Email: ls@britishprecast.org
Website: www.cba-blocks.org.uk
Description: The Concrete Block Association represents those delivering aggregate concrete blocks that adhere to building regulations.
The Construction Centre
Email: info@theconstructioncentre.co.uk
Website: www.theconstructioncentre.co.uk
Description: The Construction Centre website is the Number 1 for products and professionals, helping you to find products or companies, find work or plant and tool hire.
The Institute of Carpenters
Tel: 0844 879 7696
Email: info@instituteofcarpenters.com
Address: 32 High Street, Wendover, HP22 6EA
Website: www.instituteofcarpenters.com
Description: The Institute of Carpenters helps the customer to find a professional, and runs its own examinations. Also find the news and views section and the competition and awards area.
The National Council of Master Thatchers Associations
Website: www.ncmta.co.uk
Description: Represents the county based Master Thatchers Associations. Membership is gained by the judgment of the applicants peers, at the time of entry. Also, a commitment is made to continue to work to the necessary high standards.
UK Copper Board
Tel: 01442 275716
Email: copperboard@copperdev.co.uk
Address: 5 Grovelands Business Centre, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TE
Website: www.ukcopperboard.co.uk/
Description: The UK Copper Board offers in-depth information to plumbers on all aspects and applications of copper in the trade, and supports education programmes with training material.