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Chartered Society of Designers
Tel: 0207 357 8088
Email: info@csd.org.uk
Address: 1 Cedar Court, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3GA
Website: www.csd.org.uk
Description: The world's largest chartered body of professional designers with members in 33 countries and is unique in representing designers in all disciplines.
Door & Hardware Federation
Tel: 01827 52337
Email: info@dhfonline.org.uk
Address: 42 Heath Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7JH
Website: www.dhfonline.org.uk
Description: The Door and Hardware Federation has an established reputation in the industry and includes a repair and service group.
Draught Proofing Advisory Association
Tel: 01483 209666
Email: info@dpaa-association.org.uk
Address: The Bothy, Albury Park, GU5 9BH
Website: www.dpaa-association.org.uk
Description: The association concentrates on widening the draught proofing market for its members, particularly the contract residential, industrial, commercial, architectural and public buildings market.
Dry Stone Walling Association
Tel: 015395 67953
Email: information@dswa.org.uk
Address: Lane Farm, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, LA7 7NH
Website: www.dswa.org.uk
Description: The main aims of the Association are to promote a greater understanding and knowledge about the traditional craft of dry stone walling and to encourage the repair and maintenance of dry stone walls throughout the country.
Institute of Domestic Heating & Environmental Engineers
Tel: 023 80 66 89 00
Email: admin@idhee.org.uk
Address: P O Box 329, Southampton, Greater London, SO40 0BT
Website: www.idhee.org.uk/homeframes.html
Description: IDHEE is committed to raising standards in the field of central heating and environmental engineering.
National Federation of Demolition Contractors
Tel: 01442 217144
Email: info@demolition-nfdc.com
Address: Resurgam House, Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4TF
Website: www.demolition-nfdc.com
Description: The National Federation of Demolition Contractors is the voice of the UK demolition industry.