CPM Redi-Rock used to help protect from coastal flooding

Redi-Rock modular walling blocks from CPM Group have passed the test of storms and high tides after being used to help protect a Welsh town from coastal flooding.

Dawnus Construction was awarded Phase 3 of the West Rhyl Coastal Defence Scheme as part of the major upgrade to the town’s sea defences to protect the 1700 properties against flooding.
The £5.45m by Denbighshire County Council scheme comprised an extension and improvements for the existing promenade with enhanced public realm, pedestrian and cycle routes and the construction of primary and secondary defence walls. Due to the coastal works encroaching on to the existing beach by approximately 40 metres, some of the work activities were carried out under tidal conditions, with controlled assessments to all beach and tidal works.
The flood defence is 470 metres in length and required standard protection designed for a 1 in 200 year storm with an allowance for 50 years of climate change.
The initial design was for a stepped revetment construction but was rejected by the Welsh Government for funding and a new design was approved using CPM’s Redi-Rock modular walling blocks.
The construction of the coastal project has now been completed with the flood walls being successfully tested during the storms and high tides of last winter and standing ready for whatever this winter holds.
CPM Group
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