Cemplas waterproofing expertise secures Kensington villas contract

Specialist basement waterproofing specialist Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd won a £25,000 contract from Blackonyx Developments to carry out waterproofing to new and existing areas at Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, including basements and roof terraces.

Works by Cemplas consisted of furnishing everything necessary for the preparation and installation of Delta MS500 & 20, Polysil TG500, Koster NB1, Duexan 2C waterproofing system to the basement walls and floors, and the rear lower ground and front floor terrace steps, together with the application of Geo drainage sheet to the new roof terraces.
Cemplas operatives Installed Delta Duexan 2C including fillets at internal angles and fibre reinforcement. To the vertical area a 3mm rot proof protection board was applied, and the horizontal areas had a Delta Geo-Drain Quattro layer drainage sheet installed.
To the basement walls and floors, Cemplas installed Delta MS20 cavity membrane and Delta MS500 cavity membrane sealed to floor membrane with pre-drilled fixings at pre-determined centres to suit finishes. Cemplas also installed into the pre-formed drainage slot a Delta channel incorporating jetting points discharging into sump chamber. A Delta Dual V3 sump pump was casted into the new slab.
Water damage to basement structures is a highly contentious issue. Cemplas has been successfully waterproofing basements since the company was formed in 1969. With these years of accumulated expertise, Cemplas understands that the optimum remedy will depend on a host of factors such as the age of the building, condition of the existing masonry or brickwork, and the nature of the water ingress. A Cemplas diagnostic survey will identify the prevalent factors and the remedy will depend on the intended use of the basement in accordance to BS 8102.

Upon completion of all Cemplas works a joint inspection with the client was undertaken and the works were signed off to their complete satisfaction, with Cemplas providing a 10-year guarantee.
For expert advice, or if you wish to view previous case studies, please visit the Cemplas website http://www.cemplas.co.uk
Article supplied by Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd