Tensar releases new White Paper for Performance Specification

By Cliff Hall and David Cashman of Tensar International Ltd, a worldwide leader in the provision and manufacture of best value solutions for soil reinforcement and ground stabilisation.

Slowly but surely, specification by performance is becoming a more accepted method for construction by highways agencies both in the UK and internationally. The results promise much needed innovation and significant economic and environmental benefits. But how should contractors and suppliers be adapting to changing client demands? Tracing the route of changing specification practice tells us that reliance on laboratory-based testing of materials cannot show how materials perform under real life site conditions.
Civil engineering’s reputation for conservatism in highway construction has always felt secure with the tried and tested, aiming to repeat past successes and minimise unnecessary risks. This has resulted in a near static state of development in pavement design.
Yet, increasingly, forward looting specifers within highways agencies, the client organisations, have realised the limitations of tradition al pavement recipes and method-based practices.
To encourage innovation, highway authorities have a willingness to adopt performance specification as a model, a trend that is being accelerated internationally. Some States in North America, have introduced pioneering guidelines and the UK and Europe are not far behind with documents giving advice on broadening the scope of pavement design.
As a result of clients' demands for cost-savings and the need for a step change on minimising environmental impact, contractors and suppliers increasingly encounter a choice of method ¬based or performance-based specification in contracts.
To make the most of the opportunities offered by this unstoppable trend, contractors and materials suppliers need to adapt changing client requirements in the way pavements are designed and built.
By specifying performance rather than properties of this mechanically stabilised layer incorporating Tensar TriAx the engineer is more assured of achieving the desired outcome.
To read the full report click on the PDF link above or visit http://www.tensar.co.uk.
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