Marshall Tufflex Helps Speed Up College Initiative

Marshall-Tufflex’s revolutionary MT32 prefabricated wiring system, which can improve on-site installation times by more than 50%, is helping step up the pace of a £140 million building project that will transform the educational facilities of young people across the London Borough of Islington.

Coupled with Odyssey trunking, which has the only all-curved trunking profile on the market, MT32 is providing economic and fast-fit installations at St Aloysius College, Highgate, which is one of eight secondary schools undergoing complete rebuilding or substantial refurbishment within Islington’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) initiative.
Near to completion, the redevelopment of St Aloysius College is an ambitious combination of new build and refurbishment to provide a new teaching block, sports hall, school hall and dining room along with major improvements to existing facilities. With building works delivered by Balfour Beatty Engineering Services (BBES), success has been dependent on key deadlines being met during each phase of the programme.
In seeking a CAT 6 compliant cable trunking combined with a quick-to-install, plug and play power delivery system, BBES chose Marshall-Tufflex’s MT32 contained within Odyssey’s contemporary curved dado trunking system.
Tom Counihan, electrical engineer for BBES, explained why: “We compared plug and play systems but liked the fact that MT32 is leadless, extremely neat and provides significant installation time reductions. Odyssey appealed because it is CAT 6 compliant, easy to install and because it is the most aesthetically pleasing of the containment systems we have looked at – and we have looked at quite a few! The client is happy with it and we are happy with it. As a result of the effectiveness of both systems, we are taking them through other schools within the BSF initiative.”
At St Aloysius, MT32’s prefabricated wiring system, combined with Odyssey curved profile dado trunking, supplied by Edmondson Electrical, has been installed by Alba Electrical in the teaching rooms and offices serving the new sports hall. This successful product duo has also gone into general classrooms and IT rooms, where Odyssey serves every row of desks via a 32Amp cee-norm industrial socket.
In addition, Marshall-Tufflex has provided Odyssey in specially curved lengths to allow for fixing to the corresponding architecturally curved walls of the library building. Only in the science rooms, where there is no data requirement and bench heights differ from desk heights, is Marshall Tufflex’s standard bench trunking installed.
Chris Scott, product manager for Marshall-Tufflex, said: “We are delighted to be associated with such a prestigious and important initiative that will bring major improvements to Islington’s schools. MT32 is perfect for projects such as this where timescales are crucial. Using it in conjunction with Odyssey, it delivers quick, error-free installation with a sleek, modern finish to the cable management system which, owing to its curved front profile, will remain clutter-free and easier to clean.”
T32 is a flexible cabling system using a compact 32Amp connector incorporating plug and play technology to carry power through trunking via plug and play connections and interconnecting pre-wired and pre-tested accessories. This provides safer, speedier and more cost-effective installation, circuit testing and sign off times.
A further and major environmental benefit of MT32 is its ability to be reconfigured and re-used if required.
The Odyssey all-curved profile containment system, with accessories fitted flush to the cover, is particularly popular in health and education installations for its aesthetic appeal and its practical, easy to clean and impossible to clutter surface.
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