A Clear View at Hotels Thanks to Demista

Park Plaza Hotels in London – The Shaw Park Plaza, the new Victoria and Sherlock Holmes Park Plazas – all ensure steam-free mirrors in their guests’ bathrooms using demista™ heated mirror pads.

These UK-manufactured pads are a simple but effective system for keeping the bathroom mirror permanently steam free and clear and come in a wide range of sizes to suit any size mirror.
The self-adhesive, 500 mm.sq heated mirror pads are fitted invisibly on the reverse of the bathroom mirror and are connected to the bathroom lighting and activated by the light switch. Over 750 of these pads were supplied for the three London Park Plaza Hotels by R & D demista™ Ltd.
R&D Marketing (demista™) Ltd
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KT11 2LW
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Email: rd@demista.co.uk
Web: http://www.demista.co.uk