The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Food Survival Kit

For up to date information call Floodline on 0845 988 1188

Flood Plan and Flood Survival Kit

Once you have assessed the risk and implemented your flood defence measures, then complete your preparations by making a Flood Plan, ensure that your family/employees are all aware of what to do and assemble your Flood Survival Kit.

Flood Plan

A good Flood Plan will contain simple, clear and essential points for everyone so that they know who may be at your property at the time of a flood. It should contain:

  • An Action Plan. What you intend to do at each level of flood risk. For example if you intend to move livestock once a Flood Warning has been issued where and how you will relocate them.
  • How to install your Flood Defences. Fitting your flood barriers, preparing sandbags as to where, how and when they should be deployed.
  • Gas and Electricity. Where to turn these services off, even in the dark.
  • Vehicles. When and where these would be moved. Remember it takes only two feet of water to float away the average car.
  • Evacuation. If you need to evacuate, plan where you will relocate to. For older people and those with disabilities contact your local Social Services Department to find out their emergency plans and how they might assist you.
  • Education. Ensure your family/employees are aware of what to do in the event of a flood.
  • Prepare a Survival KitStore it away in a convenient location.

Flood Survival Kit

Prepare as much of your Flood Survival Kit as possible now and tore it away in a suitable and accessible location. Spare blankets can be stored in Space Bags that cost only a few pounds and will keep them dry. For other items we recommend plastic storage boxes with lids.

  • Important documents in a waterproof wallet or container
  • A torch and spare batteries
  • Blankets and warm clothing
  • Waterproofs including rubber gloves
  • A first-aid kit, including waterproof plasters/dressings
  • A list of useful telephone numbers
  • Your mobile phone
  • A supply of bottled water
  • A stock of non-perishable food items, camping stove and a tin opener
  • A portable radio and supply of batteries
  • A portable pet carrier for each of your pets & emergency pet supplies. See Pets and Livestock.

See also You have been flooded