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Timber Pivot Window Companies in the UK

  • Dempsey Dyer was established in 1977 and specialises in the design and manufacture of windows, doors and conservatories made from UPVC, timber and...

  • Idealcombi has an extensive product range that covers most needs and almost any architectural style.

  • Country Hardwood Conservatories create high quality hardwood conservatories, supplying a customer network across the UK. We offer a range of styles of...

  • Mumford & Wood Limited
    Mumford & Wood produce high quality joinery products using traditional craftsmanship and the best quality timber. We are the UK’s leading premium brand for bespoke timber sash windows and offer a full range of traditional wooden spring and box sash windows, as well as casement windows, contemporary and conservation windows, feature windows, French doors and entrance doors.
  • George Barnsdale & Sons Ltd
    Designers and manufacturers of high performance, long life, low maintenance, factory finished and glazed timber windows and doorsets.
  • Lomax+Wood
    Lomax+Wood offers a comprehensive range of high quality, fully factory finished timber windows and doors with proven reliability. All our products are suitable for new-build or refurbishment and are available in either hardwood or Baltic pine.

Where to buy timber pivot windows

  • Dempsey Dyer Ltd - Langthwaite Grange Business Park, South Kirkby, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 3AP, 01977 649641
  • Idealcombi - Carlton House 1, 66-68 High Street, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, LU5 5BJ, 01582 860 940
  • Country Hardwood Conservatories - Unit 2, Shucklow Industrial Park, Shucklow Hill, Little Horwood, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0PY, 01296 714 314