The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Trickle Vent Companies in the UK

  • Company offering a range of products including extract fans, whole house systems and accessories to suit all new build and refurbishment applications.

  • Meridian Building Plastics is based in Enfield, North London and is a leading specialist in polycarbonate sheeting and PVCu corrugated roofing materials....

  • Supplier for sash window products and this comprehensive range proves it. We sell parting beads, staff beads, sash weights, cord and pulleys as well as chain...

  • Manufacturers of vents, ventilators, window vents and gas vents.

  • Marches Architectural Hardware is a wholesaler of fine architectural ironmongery and tools.

  • The Condensation Shop
    Supplying next day a range of high tech ventilation products to help eliminate condensation and draughts around the home and the office.
  • Passivent Commercial
    Our Tricklevents range of window ventilators are used to provide background ventilation in all types of building. This comprehensive range of vents provides solutions for all types of application and window type.
  • Glazpart
    Designer and manufacturer of plastic glazing accessories for the fenestration industry with specialised knowledge in glazing accessory and ventilation products.
  • Brookvent
    An influencing manufacturer of innovational ventilation systems, created for customers in the domestic/private residential and the regeneration of social housing. The new range of heat recovery, central extract, and positive input ventilation systems inspire clever renewable technologies being installed in ever demanding markets.
  • Mighton Products
    Suppliers of sash window and tilt window hardware, sash cord fasteners and pulleys sash weights
  • Midtherm Flue Systems Ltd
    Manufacturers and suppliers of prefabricated flue systems, natural draught ventilation, natural light systems and associated components for commercial, industrial and domestic use.

Where to buy trickle vents

  • Greenwood Airvac - Greenwood House, Brookside Avenue, Rustington, West Sussex, BN16 3LS, 01903 771021
  • Meridian Building Plastics Ltd - Unit B3 Valleylink Estate, 101 Meridian Way, Ponders End, Enfield, Greater London, EN3 4TY, 020 8805 0000
  • Reddiseals Limited - The Furlong, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 9BG, 0845 165 8234
  • R W Simon Limited - System Works, Hatchmoor Industrial Estate, Torrington, Devon, EX38 7HP, 01805 623721
  • Marches Architectural Hardware - 33 Ddole Enterprise Park, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6DF, 01597 823822