The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Lightweight Roof Tile Companies in the UK

  • Tudor Roof Tile Co Ltd are manufacturers and distributors of high quality hand made clay roof tiles. Our tiles, made by using finest clays and...

  • Kingspan's insulated panels are used across the globe on retail, distribution, commercial, industrial, leisure, hospital and education projects; their...

  • Manufacture and supply steel lintels, plasterer's profiles, fencing systems, lightweight roofing system and a bricklaying installation tool.

  • Britmet Tileform Limited
    Britmet Tileform Ltd has one of the widest ranges of lightweight tile and slate effect roofing systems available on the market today. Our 37,000 square feet, West Midlands based factory produces seven profiles in two thicknesses in a range of colours.
  • Metrotile UK Ltd
    Metrotile UK supply lightweight steel roofing systems to the UK and Ireland and our systems and accessories can be seen upon rooftops in over 60 countries worldwide. Our range of stone coated profiles are shaped to replicate traditional profiles. Our accessories of ridges, flashings, barges, vents and end caps etc are built to the same high standards. We also supply a photovoltaic system.

Where to buy lightweight roof tiles

  • Tudor Roof Tile Co Ltd - Denge Marsh Road, Lydd, Kent, TN29 9JH, 01797 320202
  • Kingspan Insulated Panels - Greenfield Business Park, No 2, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 7GJ, 01352 716100
  • Catnic - Pontypandy Industrial Estate, Caerphilly, CF83 3GL, 029 2033 7900