The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Underground Water Tank Companies in the UK

  • Sarena Manufacturing provides the utilities and the building services industry with grp tanks for the storage and distribution of water. Additionally, we...

  • We have a wide range of water tanks in stock from 5 litre up to 75,000 litre. We can also make bespoke tanks from GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic), this means...

  • Nicholson Plastics Ltd
    KMG Nicholson Plastics underground tanks are specially designed for sites where the tank is to be hidden or where above ground level siting is precluded.
  • Stormsaver Limited
    A market leader for rainwater recovery and recycling. Stormsaver design and manufacture rainwater harvesting systems and offer a complete package from feasibility, design and installation guidance to commissioning and maintenance.

Where to buy underground water tanks

  • Sarena Mfg Limited - Vickers Business Centre, Priestly Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 9NP, 01634 370887
  • Water - Unit 1, Whiting Way, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, SG8 6NA, 0871 200 2082