The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Soil Reinforcement Material Companies in the UK

  • Gridforce offers a unique & revolutionary tile system made of 100% recycled plastic to provide ground reinforcement to multiple surfaces. The tough grids can...

  • Water-Lines Solutions are an environmental and civil engineering company with an extensive knowledge of bio-engineering and erosion control...

  • The TrakMat® ground protection mat system provides a strong & secure surface, protecting the underlying ground from erosion, and Geogrid is a...

  • Phi Group Ltd
    Designers, suppliers & builders of retaining walls & structures including timber & concrete crib retaining walls, soil nailing & panels, modular block reinforced earth systems, concrete panel faced reinforced soil & planted/grassed reinforced soil slopes.
  • Tensar International Ltd
    Tensar International is a world-leader in technology-driven soil reinforcement and mechanical ground stabilization with many years’ experience in manufacturing, developing and designing sustainable construction solutions as an alternative to traditional methods. Our world-wide network of sales offices, manufacturing facilities and distributors offers you full support in achieving your objectives.
  • Hy-Ten Gabion Solutions
    Hy-Ten are renowned Suppliers and designers of gabions, gabion mattresses, rock netting and gabion accessories requirements.

Where to buy soil reinforcement materials

  • Gridforce - Corden Ltd, Industrial Estate South, Park Road, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG14 6BP, 0115 9657 303
  • Waterlines Solutions Ltd - Lilford Lodge Farm, Barnwell, Nr Oundle, Northamptonshire, PE8 5SA, 0800 5878309
  • Ground Access Hire - Unit 6, Graig Lelo, Bryn S.M., Corwen, Denbighshire, LL21 9SD, 01824 750 900; 07500 162870