- Creffields (Timber & Boards) Ltd
Creffields stock and supply a wide range of standard and fire retardant sheet materials and softwoods including flameproof plywood, MDF & flameproof MDF, medite boards, plywood, blockboard, chipboard, hardboard, veneered & decorative board and laminates. We also supply fire retardant timber, are distributors for the PremierBond range of spray adhesives and have an outstanding delivery service. - Metsa Wood UK Ltd
Metsä Wood supply wood-based products, systems and services to customers in the building and construction, industrial, distribution and retail sectors.
Where to buy plywood
- James Latham plc - Unit 3, Swallow Park, Finway Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7QU, 0116 257 3415