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Green Wall Companies in the UK

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Different Direction in Gardens

Whether you call them green walls, living walls, bio walls, vertical gardens or vegetated walls, this urban greening solution is gaining popularity, and it is not hard to see why.

A living, breathing green wall offers a number of environmental benefits and provides a pleasing ambience. It can be free standing or part of a building and green walls are even starting to be used as interior features too. The plants might be grown in soil or an inorganic growing medium. While the idea of green walls is nothing new – think the Hanging Gardens of Babylon around 600 BC – modern advances like hydroponics technology make vertical gardens much easier to manage.

For domestic gardens, going vertical makes the best use of often limited space, as well as looking striking and providing habitats for insects. Properly constructed green walls also provide an extra layer of insulation and deflect water away from building walls during heavy rain. The structure will need to incorporate a waterproof layer and irrigation channel. Many types of plants will tolerate the high life, not just flowers but herbs, fruit and vegetables. Companies designing and installing vertical features will be able to advise on the best selection for a specific location.

Green walls are increasingly being included in commercial projects to provide urban greening, improve air quality and cut dust and noise pollution. They can be used to screen unsightly areas, provide a stunning focal point or even show off a living corporate logo. Specialist firms can supply reusable green hoarding, ideal for sensitive construction sites. Other forms of temporary green screening can be hired for events.

To find out how going up the wall in a green way can improve aesthetics and quality of life, contact one of the new breed of vertical growing specialists.

Where to buy green walls

  • MMA Architectural Systems Ltd - 35c Fourth Avenue, Westfield Industrial Estate, Midsomer Norton, Somerset, BA3 4XE, 01761 419427
  • Green wall system