One of the leading independent antiskid and coloured surfacing contractors and manufacturers, undertaking antiskid contracts and supplying antiskid...
- Hoben Industrial Minerals Ltd
Providers of coloured anti-slip road surface coating materials.
- Geveko Markings
Adbruf is a leading manufacturer of line marking and safety surfacing materials for highways and attractive decorative surfacing materials where visual appeal is important. Adbruf products are sold throughout the world.
- Flowcrete UK Ltd
Flowcrete manufactures a wide range of seamless flooring products including ultra-fast curing systems, antistatic systems, anti-microbial flooring, high impact floors, seamless terrazzo, Mondéco, as well as Peran SL decorative resin finishes.
- Surebond Surfaces
Surebond Surfaces specialises in the installation of Epoxy and Polyurethane resin based flooring and paving surfaces. Surebond produce the highest quality resin surfaces for flooring, paving and playgrounds.