The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Eggshell Paint Companies in the UK

  • Earthborn
    Earthborn is a range of eco paints and natural varnishes designed to provide a healthier and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional paints and varnishes.
  • Crown Trade Paint
    A premium quality, highly durable washable eggshell finish for interior use. It offers outstanding resistance to steam and condensation and is especially suitable for high traffic areas e.g. schools, hospitals, kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Auro UK
    Suppliers of paint made from natural and organic materials.
  • Technical Paint Services
    Technical Paint Services are an independent paint maker & merchant supplying a range of specialist paints, coatings & ancillary products. We offer a technical advice service with in-house chemists and are agents for Anglo Building Maintenance & Mathys Professional Roofing products. If you have an unusual paint requirement or are faced with painting a difficult or unusual surface please contact us.
  • Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd
    Offering green ecological building products such as lime putty, lime mortar and plaster, limewash, glasterĀ®, recycled aggregates, natural paints, limecrete floors and natural boards and insulations.
  • Decorating Direct
    Supply top quality professional paints and coatings, tools, equipment and related supplies to a wide range of customers, including multi-national PLC's, local authorities, contractors and the general public.

Where to buy eggshell paints

  • Rose of Jericho Ltd - Horchester Farm, Holywell, nr Evershot, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 0LL, 01935 83676
  • Trimite Global Coatings - Arundel Road, Uxbridge, Greater London, UB8 2SD, 01895 251234