Schiedel Chimney Systems is a leading chimney company with chimneys in the widest choice of materials, steel, pumice & ceramic.
Manufacturers and installers of prefabricated Flue and Chimney Systems for commercial and industrial
applications throughout the United Kingdom.
M&G is a leading European manufacturer and OEM supplier of flue gas systems.
Experienced and respected engineer within the specialised industrial chimney industry.
Online distributor of flue and chimney products. We supply all types of flue liner, chimney liner, flue pipe, stove pipe, cowls, roof flashings and chimney...
Manufactures fixings for walls, roofs and doors.
Deks Distribution UK distributes leading brands within the roofing and heating industries including roof flashings, flues and chimneys.
Flue Stax are specialists in the design and installation of flues, chimneys and exhaust systems.
- Malvern Boilers Limited
Manufactures gas fired combination boilers and condensing boilers fordomestic use
SFL are a leading UK manufacturer of high quality chimneys, flues, vents and exhaust systems that are used and specified by many organisations throughout the world.
- Wells Spiral Tubes Limited
Manufacture and distribution of spiral tubes, fabrications and associate fittings
- Monodraught Ltd
Monodraught products harness the natural resources of the wind and sun to provide natural ventilation and lighting solutions. Our range of products include the Windcatcher natural ventilation systems, the SOLA-BOOST solar assisted natural ventilation systems and the Sunpipe natural daylight systems With these, and our other systems, we can provide the optimum low energy solution you require.
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