- Grassform Group
Grassform is a leading ground protection, land drainage and sports ground company with a large range of specialist plant and agricultural machinery available for hire or sale. We offer a wide range of versatile solutions for ground reinforcement and turf protection. Our products include GRB Grids, Geogrids and other plastic meshes for outdoor flooring, temporary roadways, walkways or car parks. - British Recycled Plastic
British Recycled Products develop and produce commercially viable construction products and outdoor furniture made from 100% recycled waste, concentrating on rubber and plastic.We also have an unrivalled technical support service ranging from CAD drawings to project management. Some of our most popular products are ecopaving, lumber, benches, decking, bollards, fencing, signage and speed ramps.
Where to buy grass grids
- EBP Building Products Ltd - Blackamoor Road, Guide, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2LQ, 01254 52244