The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Aquarium Companies in the UK

  • Offers a range of natural erosion control products, including faggots, coir logs, rolls and pallets

  • LAndscaping, earth moving and erosion control for amenity aquatic areas.

  • One of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of garden products to trade throughout the UK and export markets.

  • Palmstead is a wholesale supplier of trees and shrubs, specialising in servicing the landscape and amenity markets, as well as supplying to a large number of...

  • Anglo Aquarium Plant Co Ltd
    Anglo Aquarium Plant Co is the largest grower of aquarium and cold water plants in the UK and intorduced swimming ponds this country. Large importers distributors of Fish.
  • Wildwoods Water Gardens Ltd
    We pride ourselves in offering the most complete range of ponds, water features and aquariums.
  • Beaver Plants
    Beaver Plants is one of the largest growers and suppliers of aquatic plants, perennials, bamboos and grasses in Europe.
  • BritishFlora
    Specialist growers and seed producers of native aquatics and wild flowers an a leading provider of horticultural solutions to civil engineering problems encountered in major conservation, environmental, remediation, translocation and renewal schemes.

Where to buy aquariums

  • A.G.A. Group - Merton Hall Ponds, Merton, Norfolk, IP25 6QH., 01953 886824
  • Amenity Water Management Ltd - Hullbrook Farm, Hullbrook Lane, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0SU, 01483 890666
  • Ailsa Wood Products - Penwhapple Bridge, Old Dailly, Girvan, Ayrshire, KA26 9TH, 01465 871288
  • Palmstead Nurseries Ltd - Harville Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5EU, 01233 813340