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Portable Dance Floor Companies in the UK

  • Sico Europe Ltd is a leading, worldwide manufacturer of mobile folding space efficient products that help businesses maximize the efficient use of their...

  • British Harlequin plc
    Recognised as world leaders in advanced technology flooring for dance, the performing arts, entertainment and display, British Harlequin services the UK market and the rest of the world outside the Americas and continental Europe.
  • Stage Systems
    We provide equipment solutions, choose from modular staging and tiering, stage extensions, height adjustable podiums, portable dance floors and auditorium seating.
  • Portable FloorMaker Limited
    We manufacture a range of floors for all circumstances. Our floors are renowned worldwide for their quality and ease of use.

Where to buy portable dance floors

  • Sico Europe - The Link Park, Lympne Industrial Estate, Lympne, Kent, CT21 4LR, 01303 234000

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