One of the UK’s leading suppliers of silicones, sealants, adhesives and foams.
Specialist knowledge and experience to the formulation and application of seamless floor and wall finishes for industrial and commercial use (no General...
- Ardex UK Limited
Ardex are developers and manufactures of premium quality specialist tiling products, flooring products and construction materials.
- Addagrip Terraco Ltd
Addagrip Terraco Ltd manufacture & formulate resin based surfacing and flooring systems which are installed by our network of Addagrip approved contractors. Our Addaset Addastone & AddastoneTP products are designed for external applications. While Addatex, Addalevel SL2K & Addazing are for internal use, and along with Addaflor & Addagrip Bio are designed for industrial flooring.
- Phoenix Flooring Solutions Ltd
Supplier and installer of specialist flooring and wall coatings to the construction industry and manufacturing sectors across the UK.
- Resdev Ltd
Resdev manufactures a comprehensive range of high performance resin floor and wall systems supplying a fast-growing global market.
- Baker & Bellfield Ltd
Manufacturer of durable and impact resistant polyurethane edged products, which are used to produce worktops, plinths, counters, tabletops and desks.
- Langford Direct
Langford Direct is the UK’s leading specialist in providing innovations in sustainable urban drainage. The company's core specialism revolves around environmental water management and creating intelligent SuDS compliant solutions. There is a choice of products delivering sustainable solutions in water management.
- British Industrial Flooring Services Ltd
Leading installer of industrial floor, wall & ceiling finishes to the food, drink, pharmaceutical, healthcare & leisure industries and experienced in working within sensitive areas such as Secure Units, HM Prison, Police & Fire Brigade premises.
- Zenith
One of the leading specialists for quality floor and wall resin systems, and are approved applicators of several leading manufacturers within the industry.
- Britannia Paints Ltd
One of the UK's leading manufacturers & suppliers of high-performance coating systems. Roof, floor & wall coatings, protect, renovate & waterproof surfaces. Sports & play area systems give exceptional depth of colour and high-definition line marking.
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