The Construction Centre
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Carpet Racking Companies in the UK

  • BSE UK provides top quality storage and materials handling products.

  • We operate in warehouse, factory or office environments to provide second hand racking and other storage equipment, raised floors, partitioning, materials...

  • Warehouse Systems Ltd
    Manufacturer and supplier of racking and storage products including mezzanine flooring, mobile pallet racking, drive-in racking, narrow aisle rackings, pallet live storage and muli-tier shelving.
  • EZR Shelving
    EZ Rect manufacture a wide range of shelving, racking and storage products. EZ Rect also provide storage solutions from standard shelving and racking to space saving mobile shelving and multi tier systems.

Where to buy carpet racking

  • BSE UK - Unit 2, Sevenlink Distribution Centre, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6UN, 0117 955 5211
  • Acerax - 1 Morgan Close, Ashmore Lake Way, Willenhall, West Midlands, WV12 4LH, 0844 88 88 511