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Firebrick Companies in the UK

  • A firebrick is a block of refractory ceramic material used in lining furnaces, kilns, fireboxes, and fireplaces.

  • Stove-parts is a unique Company that can give you the personal and friendly touch so often missing in web site shops. We have 30 years experience and...

  • John J Doyle Ltd is Ireland’s leading expert in the design, supply and installation of chimney systems and refractory engineering services.

  • Solid Fuel Boilers
    Solid Fuel Boilers supply and repair Rayburn, Trianco, Parkray , Charnwood, Redfyre, Dauntless, Baxi and Dunsley. We can supply fire bricks for most wood burning stoves. All we require is the size of brick that you need and we will cut to size for you,There is nothing quite like a real fire to give that enduring warmth to your home so why not give me a call for a quotation today.
  • Intocast Ltd
    Handsworth Refractories maunufactures and supplies refractory products & services.

Where to buy firebricks

  • Vitcas Ltd - 204-208 Broomhill Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5RG, 0117 911 7895
  • Stove-parts - 0191 372 1390
  • John J. Doyle Ltd - 100 Great Patrick Street, Belfast, County Antrim, BT1 2LU, 02890 247864
  • Firebricks