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Fire Point Companies in the UK

  • Chubb is a leading provider of security and fire safety solutions for businesses and industry nationwide, covering electronic security, fire safety...

  • FMC Manufacturing Company
    FMC Manufacturing Company are dedicated and independent trade fire equipment suppliers, offering comprehensive stocks from extinguisher fire points through to larger equipment cabinets.
  • Fire and Safety Centre
    Fire and Safety Centre is an independent stockist and wholesale distributor of fire protection, safety and security of life and property products to trade and end users. In addition to our very comprehensive range of fire protection products we also offer safety and security solutions such as escape ladders, spill control products, winter safety products as well as personal protection equipment.
  • Fire Protection Online Ltd
    Fire Protection Online Ltd is a leading discount supplier of high-quality, genuinely approved, UK fire protection equipment including fire extinguishers, blankets, signs and fire alarms, fire doors, fire seals, fire fighting equipment, escape ladders and fire safes. We carry huge stocks and offer next day delivery. You can either buy online or freephone seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Where to buy fire points

  • Chubb - Fire & Security - Station Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 5LT, 0844 8791748