- Lignacite Ltd
Manufacture a variety of standard blocks as well as an extensive range of facing masonry. - Besblock Ltd
Produces architectural facing masonry and lightweight and dense aggregate building blocks for commercial and domestic applications. - Tarmac
One of the leading suppliers of heavy building materials in the UK, providing solutions in all areas of everyday life. - Patersons Quarries Limited
Diversified from quarrying to a wide range of complimentary activities ranging from concrete block manufacture to waste management and engineering.
Where to buy medium density blocks
- Travis Perkins Trading Co Ltd - Lodge Way House, Lodge Way, Harlestone Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN5 7UG, 01604 752424
- Skene Group Ltd - Skene House, Viewfield Road, Viewfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2RD, 01592 632 230
What are the block classification qualifying criteria in terms of lightweight, medium density and dense concrete blocks.
I am trying to assess against the Green Guide, but need to determine where each group starts and ends in terms of the densities.
Thank you.
Broadly there are two generic types of concrete blocks - aerated lightweight blocks and dense aggregate concrete blocks.
The former use lightweight fine aggregates(often recycled furnace ash or clay)in the concrete mix. The advantage of these is the lightweight and high thermal insulation values combined with a wide range of strengths from 3.5n/sq.mm up to 7n/sq.mm. Very popular with builders as the lighter ones can be cut with a hand saw! The latter use dense stone aggregates in the concrete mix. These are much heavier, offer higher range of strengths and range of finishes.
Both types are manufactured to the same standards for strength and quality of manufacture. These are BS 6073:Part1(now superseded by BS EN 771-3 and BS EN 771-4 and BS 5628-1).
As far as Green Guide Rating goes, each block from each manufacturer will have its own rating assuming the manufacturer has sought this.
Some blocks achieve an A- Excellent rating due to the proportion of recycled aggregate used.
Leigh Tugwood - Architect - www.ap-studio.co.uk