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Concrete Window Sill Companies in the UK

  • Suppliers and manufacturers of precast concrete and reconstructed stone, natural granite, keystone lintels, keylite windows and clark-drain.

  • Inverurie Pre-cast Ltd
    Inverurie Pre-cast Ltd are specialist manufacturers and suppliers of pre-cast concrete standard & bespoke products. As a long established family company we have continuously developed new and innovative products such as padstones & slabs, lintels, cills, pillar caps, architectural & ornamental products, copings, steps, screed rails, fireplace lintels, chimney copes and manhole & horseshoe covers.
  • Besblock Ltd
    Produces architectural facing masonry and lightweight and dense aggregate building blocks for commercial and domestic applications.
  • Lovie Quarry & Concrete Products
    Lovie has grown from its humble beginnings in the early 1940's to become one of the most respected names in the production of quarry and concrete products.
  • Wyecast Stone - E & I Williams
    Manufacturers of finest quality, hand made patio slabs, kerbs, copings and edgings.

Where to buy concrete window sills

  • Jordan Concrete - 10 Sheepwalk Road, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT28 3RD, 02892 648648

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