The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Drainage Cover Companies in the UK

  • Glen Castings produce and supply aluminium die castings ductile iron and grey iron castings for all trades.

  • UniMac are suppliers of high quality workplace equipment, with a range of spill kits, chemical storage cabinets and drum handling equipment available at...

  • Designers and manufacturers of manhole covers and drain covers for the construction industry.

  • Areco are long established designers and suppliers of roof edge trims and roofing accessories to the roofing industry. Our range of products includes...

  • Durey Castings Limited
    Specialist manufacturers, stockists and distributors of all types of manhole covers and frames, gully gratings and duct covers in cast iron, ductile iron and steel.
  • Caro Group
    The Caro Group, through its 4 companies Caro Flow, CaroSystems, Caro FDS & Maybrey Reliance, supplies drainage, waterproofing, commercial coatings and flood defence products. We offer a comprehensive range of roof and floor drainage products, a paving slab support system and mountable & demountable flood protection products.
  • Glazpart
    Designer and manufacturer of plastic glazing accessories for the fenestration industry with specialised knowledge in glazing accessory and ventilation products.
  • Purus Ltd
    Purus is the leading Swedish manufacturer and supplier of drainage solutions for wet rooms and shower areas. Our wet room drains are available in a variety of horizontal and square designs. Our steel sanitary ware and accessories range has been developed to be robust, easy to maintain, functional and hygienic. We also offer a range of stainless steel kitchens, work tops and accessories.

Where to buy drainage covers

  • Glen Castings Ltd - Meadow Mill, Burnley Rd, Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 8BZ, 01706 873967
  • Unimac - Southfields, Boraston Lane, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, WR15 8RB, 01584 819 233
  • EJ - Liberty House, Liberty Business Park, Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 6RZ, 024 7664 1777
  • Areco - Unit 2A Coppice Park, Coppice Lane, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands, WS9 9AA, 01922 743553