Morclean Ltd offer a wide range of industrial cleaning equipment for all industries including drive through lorry washers, water recycling equipment,...
- Precon Products Ltd
Precon Products are a leading national independent supplier of construction products which range across cut & bent rebar, reinforcing mesh, concrete accessories & repair, waterproofing, fixings, formwork, brickwork, geotechnical, light equipment & tools.
- Denis Rawlins Ltd
Established suppilers of floor cleaning equipment and of high performance matting.
- Flowplant Group Ltd
Suppliers of a wide range of industrial cleaning equipment for water-blasting and chemical cleaning applications.
- Seddons Direct
Seddons are manufacturers as well as distributors of a full range of equipment, parts and engines from nationally & internationally known manufacturers. Products include construction machinery, generators, pressure washers, air conditioners & lawn mowers.
- Clemas & Co Ltd
Clemas supplies a wide variety of industrial and commercial floor cleaning equipment.