The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Ceiling Membrane Companies in the UK

  • Barrisol creates your custom-made ceilings to decorate, renovate or embellish your interior space. Ideal for new construction or renovation, with more than...

  • Triton Chemicals supplies products designed for cellar waterproofing and other general waterproofing works in new build and existing properties. We...

  • Apollo Insulation Ltd
    Apollo Insulation’s range of reflective insulation are the ideal solution to meet the increasingly stringent thermal insulation performance requirements for buildings. For example our Thermo-Foil ES & Eco-Brite enhance the U-value of ceiling, wall & floor insulation. InsuFlect bonds to a variety of foam boards, Thermo-Foil P is a membrane with breathability and Radflek is a radiator reflector.
  • Clipso
    CLIPSO are global leaders in very wide-width knitted fabrics and are the only wide-width stretch ceiling brand to manufacture its own coverings. Hence we are key players in the ceiling & wall covering, oversize digital print textiles, oversize interior décor, printed ceilings & printed wall sectors. Select from our stretch ceiling & wall covering, digital print backing and tension profile ranges.

Where to buy ceiling membranes

  • Barrisol - Normalu Barrisol SAS, Route du sipes, 68 680 kembs, +33 (0) 389 83 20 20
  • Triton Systems - Units 3 - 5 Crayford Commercial Centre, Greyhound Way, Crayford, Kent, DA1 4HF, 01322 318830