The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Grp Kiosk Companies in the UK

  • We are a global supplier of composite products and technology. Our five core product areas are water storage solutions, environmental products including...

  • UK based company specialising in packaged pumping stations and septic tank products, including cesspools, attenuation chambers and rainwater harvesting...

  • Manufactures glass reinforced polyester storage products including storage tanks, cabinets, kiosks as well as construction products for cladding and...

  • Design, manufacture and supply of GRP (Glass Reinforced Polymer) and steel products

  • Quinshield Ltd
    GRP building and FRP fabrication manufacturers plus installers of GRP Enclosures, fibre glass kiosks, fibreglass housing, grp housing and portable building refurbishment/repairs.
  • Industrial GRP Limited
    Industrial GRP design and manufacture an extensive range of GRP kiosks, GRP cabinets and GRP housing systems, for an infinite set of uses within the industrial and commercial sectors. We also design and manufacture an extensive range of GRP covers.
  • CB Fabrications
    Manufacturer and supplier of GRP cabins of all types.
  • Kingsley Plastics Limited
    Design and manufacture utility housings and GRP kiosks for the Service Industry.

Where to buy grp kiosks

  • Nicholson Plastics Ltd - Riverside Road, Kirkfieldbank, Lanark, Lanarkshire, ML11 9JS, 01555 664316
  • A&C Pumps Ltd - Highleas, Old Court Hill, Nonington, Kent, CT3 3HS, 01304840999
  • Dewey Waters Ltd - Heritage Works, Winterstoke Road, Western-Super-Mare, Devon, BS24 9AN, 01934 421477
  • Morgan Marine Ltd - Llandybïe, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3JG, 01269 850437