- Bath-Knight
Bath-Knight the Bath Lift Specialists, suppliers of: Bath Lift, chair bath lift, easy access showers, walk in showers, walk in baths, easy access bathing and stair lifts. Bath-Knight provides bathing aids and mobility products to the elderly and disabled. A supplier and specialist of the Bath Lift and provides help for people struggling to get in and out of the bath.
- Easibathe Ltd
Easibathe & Easiaccess manufacture, supply and install specialist bathing, hoist and access equipment for the elderly and less able. The company has grown considerably since the inception in 1991 but in spite of the increase in company size, the company has managed to foster its small family business culture and retain its family values.
- Premier Care
World leaders in walk in bath technology, including powered bath chairs and lifts.
- Intrad Ltd
Suppliers of wall protection systems, handrailing and balustrades.
- Gordon Ellis & Co
Produces a range of home safety products.
- Neaco
Neaco manufacture and supply aluminium open grille flooring, balustrade, balconies and adaptive bathing equipment.
- Clos-o-Mat
Specialising in toilet and bathroom solutions, Clos-o-Mat is a market leading supplier of innovative healthcare products aimed at making the lives of less able people and their carers easier. With over 50 years experience, a network of representatives providing site demonstrations and carrying out survey visits, we undertake installations as required, with a free follow up commissioning visit.
- Yeoman Shield - Harrison Thompson & Co Ltd
A market leader in wall and door protection supplying and installing products that protect the fabric of buildings against accidental damage caused by people going about their daily duties.
- On The Level
A safe showering room that uses non-slip sheet vinyl instead of tiles and also contains grab rails and shower doors for added protection.
- Kingkraft Ltd
Kingkraft are UK market leading experts in specialist equipment for disabled adults & children. We are best known for our bathroom products, which include bathing, toileting, showering & changing solutions. But we do more than just supply a range of bathing and showering products, we understand the difficulties of users & carers and provide ongoing support from our sales advisors and engineers.