Upgraded environmental certification for Knauf AMF Heradesign tiles

Knauf AMF has received a new and upgraded environmental product declaration (EPD) for the Heradesign® wood wool acoustic tiles.

The reason for the upgrade is the inclusion of the recalcination process established at the Ferndorf production site in the certification by the Institute for Building and Environment (IBU).
“If you compare the results of the previous EPD with those of this update for Heradesign® wood wool acoustic tiles, you can see a significant reduction in the environmental impact,” says Dr Willibald Neuherz, responsible for standardisation and quality management Heradesign®.
“This significant effect is mainly due to our newly developed recalcination process for the recovery of the binder, including energy recovery. This means that previously broken tiles from production are recycled and replace the caustic calcined magnesite as a high-quality binder.”
In numbers, according to the new EPD, this means a reduction of over 60% in contribution to global warming (GWP) and in the use of elementary resources (ADPe) as well as almost 40% in potential acidification (AP), over-fertilization (EP) and the use of abiotic fossil resources (ADPf).
“Our upgraded EPD is particularly useful for construction projects for which planning and contracting parties are aiming for (ecological) building certification. It strengthens our position in the markets for the future, in which ecology is playing an increasingly important role,” sums up Neuherz.
Knauf AMF Ceilings
Tel: 0191 5188600
Email: info@knaufamf.co.uk
Web: https://www.knaufamf.com/en/
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