Tudor Roof Tiles promotes manager

Tudor Roof Tile Co has promoted Lawrence Cooper to the Board of Directors in the position of Sales Director.

Lawrence has been with the company for 14 years, firstly as Area Sales Manager, and then with the added role of Business Development Manager, and his promotion follows his success in those roles.
With extensive graphic design experience gained from having his own company in the design and print industry, Lawrence has also spearheaded Tudor’s marketing artwork and is the creator of the company brochures, logo and Flickr gallery since 2005.
“I am delighted to be able to promote Lawrence to this role, further strengthening our Board of Directors and I look forward to him being involved in the strategic growth and continued success of the business in the future,” says Paul Lythgoe, Managing Director at Tudor Roof Tiles.
Lawrence will continue to provide the high level of attention and service that customers in the South and South West of England have always benefited from, and he can be contacted on 07850 884 655.
Tudor Roof Tile Co
Tel: 01797 320202
Email: info@tudorrooftiles.co.uk
Web: https://www.tudorrooftiles.co.uk/
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