Tubosider expands design team

A faster design process, and better service – just two good reasons why Tubosider has added another AutoCAD designer to its technical team.

35-year-old Dave Thomas has been recruited with a strong background in civil structures, and experience with large consultancies such as Babcock, Hyder, and the water department at Mouchel.
Moving to work for Tubosider in St Helens is no problem for Dave, having studied locally and still living close to Tubosider’s offices. That will be a bonus for him and his partner Amanda, a nurse, who is expecting their first child in August.
With his knowledge of drainage schemes, Dave is already fully up to speed with designing stormwater attenuation systems, and has been working with a considerable number of clients to create the best solution for each of their different needs.
Tubosider UK Ltd
Tel: 01744 452900
Email: sales@tubosider.co.uk
Web: http://www.tubosider.co.uk
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