Townscape has it Covered

Townscape Products Limited, recognising the diverse needs for protection from the elements in different communities, offers an extensive range of shelter and accessory products.

The company supplies cycle and motorcycle storage shelters that are secure, lockable and with all-round visibility.
Townscape also produces covered walkways and weather shades, smoking shelters and youth shelters. The modern designs are extremely robust and suitable for any high-density populated area. They are mostly manufactured to client requirements from galvanised mild steel, stainless steel, anodised aluminium and hard or soft timbers. Standard units are available but in most cases Townscape shelters are manufactured to suit site dimensions. Bespoke canopies can be designed to suit the age and style of the building and presented to the client in a 3D visualisation.
Article supplied by The Imagineering Foundation at The JCM Consultancy on behalf of:
Townscape Products
Tel: 01623 513355