Titon Vent Trex Ventilators in Large Tower Block Refurbishment

Titon Vent-Trex combined extract/background ventilators have been installed as part of a large-scale refurbishment of six blocks of flats in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.

The Vent-Trex units have been installed in flats dating from the late 1960s in the Shepherds Bush area of the borough. Kitchen and bathroom windows have been replaced with double glazed windows and ventilators.
The Vent-Trex units were specifically adapted for the refurbishment as the Borough Council wanted to ensure occupants had easy access to the slide operation of the trickle ventilator part of the product.
Peter Turner, Electrical Inspector, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham said: “Installing Vent-Trex units as part of the windows avoided the difficulties of drilling through brick walls. This provided savings in time and installation costs as well as reducing inconvenience to tenants. A significant advantage with these combined extract fan/background ventilators is that, as part of the window, they are not visible.”
The main contractor who purchased and installed the majority of the Vent-Trex ventilators fans was Connaught Partnership which is no longer trading. Balfour Beatty completed the installation. Vent-Trex ventilators have been installed in the refurbishment of Roseford Court, Woodford Court, Shepherds Court and Bush Court, along with Drake Court and Shackleton Court, all of which are large blocks of flats.
Vent-Trex is a unique combined overhead extract fan and background ventilator for use in kitchens and bathrooms. As installation does not damage the fabric of a building it is ideal for refurbishment situations.
Substantial installation time savings are achieved as both the ventilator and window are installed together which also reduces the inconvenience to tenants.
Located above, and integral to a window, the Vent-Trex unit also brings an additional space saving advantage, freeing up wall space for the installation of kitchen cupboards. Vent-Trex has undergone rigorous testing and is CE marked and IP rated to IP24. All relevant electrical standards are met within these tests. It complies with the background and extract ventilation requirements of the Building Regulations. Vent-Trex provides a minimum Equivalent Area (EA) of 2500mm² and extract ventilation rates offering compliance via one product.
Notes to Editor
Titon is a market leader for domestic ventilation and fittings for windows and doors, with over 30 years experience in supplying countries all over the world. It invests extensively in manufacturing, research, and development facilities, keeping the company at the forefront of new technology and ensuring innovative products at competitive prices.
Tel: 01206 713800
Email: enquiries@titon.co.uk
Web: http://www.titon.co.uk
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