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Press Room: The Sash Window Workshop is open for business

The Sash Window Workshop is open for business

The Sash Window Workshop is proud to have always invested heavily in the appropriate training and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) required to enable its employees to safely carry out their work. This ethos is proving especially valuable at this challenging time, ensuring the safety of both employees and customers.

An employee wearing PPE

The company has started to reopen its manufacturing facilities, having made the necessary adjustments required to ensure that employees are always working at least 2 metres apart, and has also restarted limited installations in customers’ homes, where the customer wishes them to proceed with their work and is happy to adhere to the guidelines.

Despite the challenges that everyone if facing, The Sash Window Workshop is strong and still has sales surveyors available, ready to help with any new enquiries or orders so that the team can continue to do what they do best, which is make and fit the finest timber windows and doors.

The Sash Window Workshop hopes that all customers stay safe and well over this difficult time.


The Sash Window Workshop
Tel: 01344 868668

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