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Press Room: The Flood Company products installed on doors and loading bays at airport

The Flood Company products installed on doors and loading bays at airport

The Flood Company Commercial was pleased to work with a local installation team on flood mitigation measures for Brunei International Airport.

Flood barriers at airport

Buffalo HD Flood Barriers were installed on single and double doors, as well as loading bays and garages. In some cases, the Flood Company team created a flood barrier bund around the door to enable access in a flood event. The system is a demountable flood barrier system and can be manufactured to any width. The height of the flood barrier in the photo is 800mm, however up to 2000mm high protection is possible.

The Flood Company sent an installation oversight manager to Brunei to work with a local company to ensure the quality of the installation.

Buffalo Flood Barriers were also installed on multiple locations during a renovation project at a commercial property in the UK.

The contract included barriers for double doors over 2.4m wide, where the flood barrier required a demountable post. The demountable post includes a ground insert and cap to ensure it is flush to the ground in normal conditions.


The Flood Company Commercial
Tel: 0800 999 5355

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