Tensar Civil Engineers Join World Elite

Chaido Doulala-Rigby (Yuli), Chief Engineer Tensar International, and Mike Dobie, Tensar Regional Manager Asia Pacific, have both recently been admitted as Fellows of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the world’s oldest professional engineering society, and the pre-eminent international organisation for civil engineers of all disciplines.

“Recognition by one’s peers is extremely valuable and self-rewarding,” comments Yuli. “Since becoming Chief Engineer at Tensar, I am fortunate to have been responsible for the design of some of the largest reinforced soil structures ever built. Pushing the boundaries has helped me to make a mark in the industry.”
“My invitation to become a Fellow recognises the contribution that ICE has made to civil engineering here in Indonesia,” adds Mike. “In Tensar our professional standards in ground stabilisation and soil reinforcement systems are as high as, if not higher than, any in our industry.”
Chaido Doulala-Rigby (Yuli) FICE and Mike Dobie FICE are supported by a number of professionally qualified engineers at Tensar International, including eight Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Chaido Doulala-Rigby FICE; profile: B Eng. Technical Institution of Thessalonika, Greece; MSc Geotechnical Engineering, Univ of Newcastle-o-T; UK site and project experience including AMEC-Balfour Beatty (Jubilee Line extension); Hong Kong experience Geotechnical Engineer and Team Leader, Mouchel; Tensar International 2006 Senior Design Engineer, 2009 Chief Engineer; 2011 FICE.
Yuli, Chaido Doulala-Rigby, is pictured being congratulated on her Fellowship by ICE President (2011) Richard Coakley.
Mike Dobie FICE profile: BSc Civil eng, Bristol Univ; MSc & DIC Soil Mech Imp. College; Geotechnical engineering for CEng MICE; UK experience, Graduate engineer WS Atkins, Dames & Moore, Freeman Fox & Ptnrs. International experience: Delft Soil Mech. Lab. Netherlands and Singapore; Tensar, Area and Regional Manager Asia Pacific, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta; ICE Country Rep. for Indonesia and Jakarta Local Association ICE committee official; 2011, FICE and invited to Editorial Advisory Board of the ICE Proceedings, Geotechnical Engineering Journal.
Mike Dobie (left) is pictured below being welcomed as a Fellow by ICE President (2010) Peter Hansford.
For more information on Tensar International ground stabilisation solutions please visit http://www.tensar.co.uk

Notes to editor:
Tensar International is part of Tensar Corporation, a leading global developer and manufacturer of proprietary, highly engineered, non-traditional site-development solutions for infrastructure end-markets, including transportation, commercial and industrial construction. Tensar provides its customers with an integrated suite of innovative products, technologies and application expertise for a wide variety of end uses, including high performance roadways, earth retention structures, building foundations and erosion and sediment control.
In 2007 Tensar launched TriAx™ – a new geogrid which Tensar believes offers superior performance in multi-directional stiffness and aggregate confinement; which enables better radial load resistance, a reduction in aggregate base thickness and improved resistance to rutting. The company also offers a comprehensive design service, technical seminars and on-site support as part of a range of support services. Tensar International, formerly The Netlon Group, was founded in Blackburn UK in 1952.
Tensar International
Cunningham Court
Shadsworth Business Park
Web: http://www.tensar.co.uk
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