Stiltz helps vulnerable people stay safe in their homes

For people confined to their homes during the Covid-19 outbreak, a home lift can be even more essential. Stiltz, a proud member of the British Healthcare Trades Association, recognises that reducing the instance of accidents within the home will help reduce stress on the NHS hospital system and is working with BHTA, co-ordinating industry efforts to keep the most vulnerable living safely in their own homes.

For existing customers, a Stiltz Homelift can be that lifeline to independence. The company’s homecare support policy means Stiltz engineers continue to provide an essential service by maintaining customers’ lifts for ongoing safe, reliable and independent access, while acting within Government guidelines.
For new homelift installations, Stiltz Home Lifts offers the options of a phone call, remote video consultation via tablet/laptop/smartphone, or email consultation. For those with an urgent in-home consultation need, the company will minimise risk by following latest Government guidelines.
Additional processes have been put in place to mitigate risk to customers and staff including:
- Requesting confirmation that nobody at the property the team is due to visit has Covid-19 or is defined as extremely vulnerable, and in need of being shielded. If Covid-19 is present, or a person is isolating or deemed as extremely vulnerable, Stiltz will follow government advice.
- All customer visits will be subject to additional sanitation measures. Stiltz installers and engineers will wash or sanitise their hands prior to entering a property and upon leaving. They will not offer to shake hands, will refuse offers of a beverage and will maintain the prescribed 2 metre distance.
- Regular health and safety bulletins will be issued to all office and field-based staff. All field-based staff will be asked, on a daily basis, to confirm they are clear of symptoms prior to commencing their working day.
- All staff who fall ill with Covid-19 or who are self-isolating, will receive full pay during the period they are indisposed.
Stiltz will follow government advice to ensure customer and staff safety, whilst continuing to provide the necessary homecare support to ensure vital independence.
Stiltz Home Lifts
Tel: 0808 291 2111
Original of this article here