Stanton Bonna No Dig solution for Swindon sewer development

Stanton Bonna’s jacking pipes provided an effective, sustainable solution when Thames Water needed to construct a trunk sewer to serve a major development south of Swindon.

The urban extension of Wichelstowe includes around 4,500 residential properties plus primary schools, community facilities and retail developments.
To serve the 800-acre site, the Swindon Southern Trunk Sewer project involved installation of a new trunk sewer at depths of up to 10m below ground level. A No Dig solution was needed to minimise disruption, as the new and existing sewer network ran under busy roads, the Cardiff to London high speed railway line, two small streams and a protected tree area.
As a Thames Water Framework supplier of jacking pipes, Stanton Bonna worked closely with Barhale on the new sewer system.
Stanton Bonna jacking pipes are the preferred choice as they are vertically cast to produce accurate joint surfaces with square faces and a strong high-density concrete. They are provided with mild steel painted collars, or stainless-steel collars are available on request. Each jacking pipe also comes with an elastometric sealing gasket which ensures a watertight joint.
Approximately 1400m of DN 1200 Stanton Bonna jacking pipes were supplied. They are helping to serve the southern part of Swindon and link to an existing trunk sewer which is around half way between the Wichelstowe development and the existing Swindon Sewage Treatment Works.
Mark McGeady, Site Agent for Barhale Construction, said: “Ground conditions were very good for our Iseki tunnel boring machine – it was mainly stiff clay and in some of the shallower areas we encountered coarse gravels.
“Installation time for each jacking pipe ranged from 25min - 45min. The overall project was completed in 7 months. We were very happy with the product and progress. Service, delivery, product quality and communication were all good and helped us complete the job efficiently.”

Barhale highlighted the key benefits of using this system:
- Minimum disruption with excavations for shafts every 120m plus
- Less excavated material and reinstatement required
- Lower carbon footprint than open cut method
- Reduced safety risk through minimised working in deep trenches.
Stanton Bonna
Tel: 0115 944 1448
Original of this case study here