Shoppers hot spot improved by Instarmac

Civil Engineering company R J McLeod has completed a major urban regeneration in Perth, Scotland. The busy High Street was rejuvenated using materials from the Ultrascape and Ultracrete brands.

A consistent Beautiful Britain award-winner, Perth is recognised for showing a commitment to the environment and the city’s streets and public gardens. This dedication was instrumental in a recent public realm improvement project of the city’s High Street shopping hot spot, which leads from the River Tay to their east parks.
The new High Street was paved using Ultrascape’s BS 7533 compliant mortar paving system and EP-R9 resinous mortar. The system consists of Pro-Bed HS bedding mortar, Pro-Prime slurry primer and Flowpoint flowable grout, and was efficiently used by the contractors to create the new High Street through a multitude of weather conditions.
Pro-Bed HS was ordered in bulk mortar silos, accommodating 30 tonnes of material in a single load and chamber. They are perfect for use on such large projects.
Ideal for use in such public areas, fine bedding mortar, Pro-Bed HS has extremely fast strength gain, meaning that pedestrian areas can be trafficked in as little as 12 hours and vehicular areas in as little as 24 hours.
Ultrascape Pro-Prime slurry primer was used in conjunction with Pro-Bed HS to provide the exceptional paving bond as required by the British Standard BS 7533.
Ultrascape Flowpoint grout was chosen as it is ideal for urban regeneration projects, allowing large areas to be pointed with ease, and simply washed clean. Flowpoint is available in Charcoal and Natural colours; the latter used in this particular project.
In addition, Ultrascape EP-R9 resinous mortar, which provides exceptional strength and bond for areas under high stresses (such as excessive traffic flow, bonding to steel or near water features) was utilised. Sand and cement mortars have difficulty resisting the inherent ‘flex’ of covers under traffic loading and also have equal difficulty bonding to the steel of the cover itself. EP-R9 offers a lasting solution that overcomes these issues.
R J McLeod also used M90 an all purpose fast set mortar for bedding and general repairs from Ultrascape’s sister brand, Ultracrete.
For further information on the Ultrascape range, please visit or call 01827 871871.
Ultrascape is a brand of the Instarmac Group plc.
Original of this article here