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Press Room: Servaclean Bar Systems celebrates 30 years in the making

Servaclean Bar Systems celebrates 30 years in the making

On 1st August this year (Yorkshire Day no less!) Servaclean celebrated its 30th Anniversary.

Visit to brewery

It was in 1988 when Servaclean was launched in Yorkshire by co-founders Cliff Livsey (a publican) and Chris Royston (a modular shelving salesman). Those were the days of Blackadder, Michael Jackson & Crocodile Dundee. The British pound note ceased to be legal tender and laws restricting opening times for UK pubs were changed allowing pubs to stay open all day!

At that time the major brewers, who owned and operated most of the pubs in the UK, were striving to achieve a completely clean glass in which to serve “the perfect pint” and Servaclean’s GLASShelf - hygienic glass storage shelving was developed with this specific purpose in mind.

GLASShelf was a big success and led to an increased demand for better planning and organisation of bar operations across the whole hospitality industry and in turn the Servaclean Free Bar Planning Service was born.

It is said that “necessity is the mother of invention” and, just a few years later, Servaclean’s stainless steel Bar Counter Building System had been developed and was being installed in many venues for the major hospitality operators in the UK.

Continued growth and success followed and in 1995 Servaclean moved into a new purpose-built office, showroom and warehouse just a few miles from its original home.

Product innovation has always been a big part of Servaclean’s success and as well as its comprehensive range of fixed bar products, the company has MOVERBar mobile bar units with fitment configurations to serve draught beers, cocktails and coffee service. New FOLDABar folding units are currently being developed for launch this summer and will provide a quick assembly bar solution to enable portable bar operators to offer a professional, transportable service or venues with a pop-up bar counter where storage space is limited.

Servaclean is now run by directors Deana Roberts and Andy Royston – the next family generation of the respective co-founders. Andy Royston, Managing Director, says: “Our dedicated and experienced employees understand that listening to customers’ needs is the basis for planning an efficient and ultimately profitable bar service. Successful bar operators are always looking for the next unique and interesting bar trend to generate business growth.”

Servaclean is committed to the continued development of its modular stainless steel product range and planning services to help the team achieve the best possible bar operation for their business model.

As part of the 30th anniversary celebrations, the Servaclean team enjoyed a visit to the Blacksheep Brewery in Masham for a brewery tour (above), a spot of lunch and a few beers from the bar which Servaclean installed earlier this year.

Andy continues: “We raised more than a few spotless, hygienically clean glasses to all our customers and product specifiers and would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their valued support over the past 30 years. Together, we look forward to achieving even greater success over the next 30+ years.”

Da Sandro Italian restaurant

A recent bar fitments installation by Servaclean was for Da Sandro Italian Restaurant & Bar, in Huddersfield (pictured). Proprietor Allesandro Bevilacqua praised the team with this testimonial: “I was delighted to choose Servaclean to plan and supply my new stainless steel underbar. A ‘Premium’ product with service to match.”

If you would like Servaclean to help you with your next bar project please get in touch; they’d love to hear from you. Just give them a call on 01274 390038 or contact them via the website.


Article supplied by:
Servaclean Bar Systems

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