SE Controls joins national Made in Britain campaign

Leading smoke and natural ventilation systems specialist, SE Controls, has signed up to the nationwide ‘Made in Britain’ campaign, which aims to support and promote UK manufacturing industries in both domestic and export markets.

Based in Lichfield, Staffordshire, the company has been designing and manufacturing advanced natural ventilation and smoke control systems in the UK for over 30 years and has developed an international reputation for quality products, which are used in demanding life critical situations.
In addition to manufacturing its core products, systems and control solutions in the UK, SE Controls’ design, development and R&D operations are also carried out at its Midlands based ‘Hood Innovation Centre’ and employs more than 100 people throughout the business.
Continued success and growth in the UK has also been mirrored overseas where during the past decade, the business has established 10 separate offices serving key Asian markets, including China and India, as well as the Middle East, Africa and South America.
Will Perkins, SE Controls’ Managing Director, explained: “While we’re always mindful of the global economy and the international dimension that we have developed to our business, SE Controls is very much a British company. Part of our success has to be attributed to the reputation that we and other UK businesses have for technological expertise and the ability to deliver excellence. By applying the Made in Britain logo to our products, I believe this not only signals and endorses the qualities we already possess, but helps us build future opportunities in domestic and international markets.”
To help communicate and reinforce the company’s strength and the importance its UK design and manufacturing capabilities, SE Controls has recently completed a brief video that covers many of the advantages, features and benefits of its technology, as well as the applications for its products and ventilation solutions, which can be viewed here
Made in Britain’s Chief Executive, John Pearce, underlined SE Controls’ views on the value of being a member. He said: “UK manufacturers get a lot of value from the Made in Britain marque. As a product’s country of manufacture is increasingly important, the logo helps reinforce and promote the provenance with buyers and specifiers. We’re delighted to have SE Controls on board with the campaign and look forward to helping them promote their products and business overseas and across the UK.”
Further information on SE Controls’ products, solutions and projects can be obtained by visiting or calling +44 (0) 1543 443060.
Article supplied by SE Controls