Sadolin launches new online product help videos

Premium woodcare brand Sadolin is keeping specifiers in the picture with a series of videos that bring to life the attributes of its ranges.

Keeping abreast of innovation, 27 videos have been created highlighting each Sadolin product range. Lasting approximately one minute long, each video introduces the product, explains where it can be used, highlights the key features and benefits, and finally shows how wonderful wood can look after Sadolin has been applied.
The videos can be accessed either by the Sadolin Woodcare YouTube channel, or are sited on each relevant product page on the Sadolin website.
QR codes on various items of Sadolin communication material provide quick links to the videos as well. For example in the Sadolin colour cards, available in both the trade and retail areas, a QR code on each product page will direct you to the relevant video to bring the product to life, and help educate those unsure about which product is right for their particular project.
Sharon Smith, Sadolin Brand Manager, said: “It was quite an undertaking producing 27 individual product videos, but we think they will really help our customers.
“They bring the products to life and help people make the right decisions about which woodcare product to buy in a quick, engaging and informative way.
“We pride ourselves in creating the very best in wood protection products, drawing on more than 200 years of innovation to offer customers the widest range of commercial and trade solutions.
“By demonstrating our products in this manner we continue to set out our innovative position in the marketplace, enhancing the selection process and experience of the brand for specifiers.”
The product videos build on the success of the “This Is Sadolin - How To” video series, which was launched two years ago, and concentrates on stages of the woodcare process. These are available to view on the Sadolin website and on the dedicated Sadolin YouTube channel, where specific issues such as preparation, colour palettes and woodcare for interiors, amongst other subjects, are covered in a collection of seven videos.
For more details please contact the Crown Paints’ Specification Team by calling 0330 024 0310, email or visit the specification website at
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Article supplied by Shepherd PR on behalf of Crown Trade Paint