Rolawn Profresh System Extends Turf Shelf Life

Rolawn, Europe's largest producer of cultivated turf has launched Profresh®, a patented and trademarked system that when used in conjunction with the company’s specially developed growing regime, gives turf two to three times its normal shelf life, achieved at a cost within commercially viable constraints.

Independent tests carried out by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), the UK’s leading independent authority in turfgrass research agronomy, concluded that the Rolawn Profresh® system significantly extends the shelf life of Rolawn turf meaning that it stays greener and fresher for longer even in warm conditions.
Profresh® is the result of over 10 years’ development. The company has collaborated with several leading universities, both in the UK and abroad and have received significant research and development grant funding.
The key benefit to stockists is being able to extend the window of opportunity in which to sell the turf in optimum condition. The company claim has been proven to result in increased sales.
For contractors and landscapers, Rolawn turf that has been through the Profresh® system, delivered direct to site can be of a higher quality when the temperatures are warm, with customers experiencing less deterioration of the turf whilst it is en route. In addition, it is possible for turf to be delivered direct to site the day before laying, allowing for an immediate start.
Haulage efficiencies can also be improved, by combining deliveries together and delivering less frequently. This also significantly reduces the CO² generated by delivery vehicles.
Paul Dawson, Rolawn’s Managing Director commented “In the future, this new technology will also allow us to package both full pallets and individual pieces of turf if required. This will give us greater traceability and quality control, and allow us to include sell-by dates, barcodes and branding on our turf.”
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Rolawn Limited
Tel: 0845 604 6050