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Press Room: Report by Energy Saving Trust shows heat pump improvements

Report by Energy Saving Trust shows heat pump improvements

As part of the Government’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 34% by 2020, The Energy Saving Trust carried out a field study to monitor the performance of residential heat pumps between 2008 and 2013. Manufacturer Space Air explains the results:

Air source heat pump survey

The Energy Saving Trust (EST) heat pump field trials produced unbiased, accurate performance information to help ensure that customers choose the correct technology to heat their homes.

What happened in Phase 1?
In the time between spring 2009 and spring 2010, the EST monitored 83 heat pumps nationally to identify how UK homes perform over a year. The EST discovered factors that could affect the performance, including:

  • System sizing
  • Type of heat source/sink
  • Building efficiency
  • User behaviour
  • Heating patterns and average internal temperatures
  • Installation practices.

As a result of the Phase 1 Report, the technology, standards, supply chain and installer knowledge and practice evolved and improved.

What happened in Phase 2?
Phase 2 was developed to identify the causes of the varying performances of heat pumps.

From the results of Phase 1, the MCS installer standards were improved and used to set new standards for Phase 2 trials. Thirty-two sites from Phase 1 trials (those sites showing the worst performance) were amended according to the new MCS standards where applicable, thus would show enhanced operating performance in those sites and why.

To measure the results, the EST created a scale to show the amendments made to compare with Phase 1 trials. Also, six sites that were included in the Phase 1 trials were not amended to act as control sites (no intervention).


  • Major Intervention
  • Medium Intervention
  • Minor Intervention
  • No Intervention

After the improvements were made, Phase 2 trials started from Spring 2011 to Spring 2013 and new technology was used to capture more accurate results.

The results of Phase 2, compared with Phase 1 trials, show significant improvements to heat pumps with major or medium interventions, demonstrating that improvements can be made to increase efficiencies.

Heat pumps sold today are expected to produce much higher efficiency rates. Please contact to find out more on air sourced heat pump efficiencies.

For more information please contact Space Air on 01483 252 252, email or visit the web site


Article supplied by Space Air

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