Quality cast stone from Forticrete specified for stunning Hadleywood home

Forticrete’s high performance cast stone solutions have been specified for the construction of a new, luxury five-bedroom home, in Hadleywood in Barnet.

The property, which sits in an area that combines the inherent advantages of North London and Hertfordshire’s home county rural feel, utilises Forticrete cast stone detailing components including cills, decorative heads, copings and a portico kit in Portland colour.
John Lambert, General Manager at Forticrete, commented: “Whether recreating the regency splendour of high-end luxury residential properties or turning multi-million pound commercial projects into architectural landmarks, architects, specifiers and housebuilders want the highest quality materials that reflect their expressive potential.
“To provide high quality, distinctive touches to a self-build project or an extension, they needn’t look further than beautifully crafted cast stone components. However, it is essential that to add the desired individual character to their properties, architects, specifiers and housebuilders turn to cast stone that is manufactured by hand with time honoured craftsmanship and manufacturing quality. Forticrete cast stone provides exactly that.”
To find out more about Forticrete cast stone, visit http://www.forticrete.co.uk
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E-mail: cgodleman@Forticrete.com